W poniższym przykładzie pokazuję jak poprawnie zwalidować polski NIP i kod pocztowy, kiedy używamy popularnej wtyczki Contact Form 7 w WordPressie. Post powstał na potrzeby chwili… 🙂
Dla kodu pocztowego, w functions.php dodajemy
// Add custom validation for CF7 form fields
function is_company_code($text){ // Check against list of common public email providers & return true if the email provided doesn't match one of them
preg_match('/(\b\d{2}\s*-\d{3}\b)/i', $text)
return true; // It's a publicly available email address
return false; // It's probably a company email address
add_filter('wpcf7_validate_text', 'your_validation_filter_func', 999, 2);
add_filter('wpcf7_validate_text*', 'your_validation_filter_func', 999, 2);
function your_validation_filter_func($result, $tag) {
$type = $tag['type'];
$name = $tag['name'];
if($name == 'kod_pocztowy'){ // Only apply to fields with the form field name of "comany-email"
$the_value = $_POST[$name];
if(!is_company_code($the_value)){ // Isn't a company email address (it matched the list of free email providers)
$result['valid'] = false;
$result->invalidate($tag, wpcf7_get_message('invalid_coupon_code'));
return $result;
add_filter('wpcf7_messages', 'customwpcf7_text_messages');
function customwpcf7_text_messages($messages) {
return array_merge($messages, array(
'invalid_coupon_code' => array(
'default' => __('Kod jest niewłaściwy', 'contact-form-7')
, gdzie 'kod_pocztowy’ to nazwa walidowanego pola w CF7.
Dla NIP-u metdyka jest dość symilarna:
// Add custom validation for CF7 form fields
function is_company_nip($text){ // Check against list of common public email providers & return true if the email provided doesn't match one of them
$valid = false;
$weights = array( 6, 5, 7, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 );
$nip = preg_replace( '/^PL/', '', $text );
if( strlen( $nip ) == 10 && is_numeric( $nip ) ) {
$sum = 0;
for( $i = 0; $i < 9; $i++ )
$sum += $nip[$i] * $weights[$i];
$valid = ( $sum % 11 ) == $nip[9];
return true; // It's a publicly available email address
else {
return false; // It's probably a company email address
add_filter('wpcf7_validate_text', 'validation_nip', 999, 2);
add_filter('wpcf7_validate_text*', 'validation_nip', 999, 2);
function validation_nip($result, $tag) {
$type = $tag['type'];
$name = $tag['name'];
if($name == 'nip'){ // Only apply to fields with the form field name of "comany-email"
$the_value = $_POST[$name];
if(!is_company_nip($the_value)){ // Isn't a company email address (it matched the list of free email providers)
$result['valid'] = false;
$result->invalidate($tag, wpcf7_get_message('invalid_nip'));
return $result;
add_filter('wpcf7_messages', 'customnip_text_messages');
function customnip_text_messages($messages) {
return array_merge($messages, array(
'invalid_nip' => array(
'default' => __('Pole jest wypełnione niepoprawnie. Wpisz polski numer NIP bez spacji i myślników.', 'contact-form-7')
Tutaj analogicznie 'nip’ jest nazwą pola w CF7.